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Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Day in the Life with my 23 month old & 3 month old

My how things have changed since my last "day in the life" post! For the most part, we have a pretty good schedule down by this point, but to be totally honest some days the "schedule" goes out the window. I feel like most days when we try to stick with a schedule though things work really well for us.

So here goes, a typical day...

I was sleeping in until the very last possible moment (around 7:30ish) but I started barre classes last week, which I can't wait to share about later, at 6am so now I get up at 5am so I can get to my class then get home around 7:30 to really get going.

7:30am- I get home. Lucy may or may not be awake at this time. She has actually been sleeping later than usual lately, win!! If she is awake, I'll go grab her and we'll come out and have breakfast together. If she is still asleep, then I try to at least drink my cup of coffee before anyone gets up :)

8:00am- Michael is up, I bring him out to the living room to feed him while we watch an episode of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

9:00am- Michael goes down for a nap. Usually around this time, I will get Lucy and I both ready for the day. She likes to hang out in the bathroom with me while I get ready. Most days, we stay in our pajamas and play. Lately we have been playing with play-doh or coloring with markers and construction paper. She loves to have me make our family out of play-doh!

10:00am- I'm still working on longer naps with Michael. He is usually up around 9:45 or 10. Forty five minute naps seem to be his jam right now! I try to do tummy time for Michael around this time, or group tummy time as I like to call it. 

Lucy usually takes whatever toy I give to Michael almost immediately, so I'm trying to teach her to show him the toys and play "with" him. 

11:00am- I feed Michael again while Lucy runs around, then start making lunch for Lucy and I.

11:30am- Lucy and I eat while Michael hangs out in his chair. 

12:00pm- I put Michael down for his second nap and I start the wind down process with Lucy. Her and I will do puzzles or read books before she goes down for her nap at 12:30. 

The next two hours can go one of two ways. It either ends up being a glorious hour and a half of free time...OR Michael wakes up around 12:45 and I spend the next hour working on self soothe and praying he goes back to sleep. We've gotta figure out this napping thing...poor little fella gets so over tired.

2:00pm- Lucy wakes up from her nap and it's time to feed Michael again. I usually turn on an episode of Mickey or Doc McStuffins and give Lucy a snack while I feed him. 

After both of them eat, we'll play for a bit before Michael's next nap. He loves his big sis! :)

3:00pm- Michael goes down for his third nap and Lucy and I get outside and play!

4:30pm- I feed Michael again and start getting things together for dinner. While I cook, Lucy does room time and Michael hangs out in the kitchen.

5:45pm- Ben is home and we sit down to eat dinner together before the craziness of bath and bedtime routine begins. After dinner, Ben usually rough houses with Lucy a little while I give Michael a bath. After I bathe Michael, Ben will give Lucy her bath and get her ready for bed. 

7:30pm- Lucy goes to bed and I feed Michael then put him to bed. 

Once the kids are asleep, Ben and I clean up a little bit then hang out together and relax.

10:00pm- I dream feed Michael and then try to get in bed by 10:30 or 11, and I am usually asleep before my head hits the pillow ;) 

Some days are more wild than others, but I wouldn't trade it for the world, and I feel incredibly blessed to be at home with my babies every day!


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