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Monday, January 18, 2016

Michael - 7 Months

There is something about my baby boy being over 6 months old now that makes me a little emotional. I feel like the past 7 months flew by, and it seems inevitable that the next 5 months will go by even faster and we'll be celebrating his first birthday, and just like that, the first year is already over.

My sweet, happy momma's boy...you are just the sweetest, and everybody knows it. 

You are just over 16 pounds of chubby baby roll deliciousness! You started solids this past month and are rolling with it like a champ. You continue to be great at nursing, and I'm thanking my lucky stars for that! It's hard to believe I'm over halfway to nursing you for a whole year, which seemed like an undesirable goal for me a few months ago if I'm being honest. The great thing is, you have made it so easy to get this far, and I hope we make it to one year. 

You sat up on your own this past month which has been a game changer for play time with Lucy. You guys love to sit by each other and play for quite a while. It melts my heart to watch this. Lucy always makes sure you have a toy to play with, even if it means giving up one of her toys. 

You are a pretty quiet guy, which means you take after your momma, but you have started saying "da da" in addition to your usual raspberry blowing ;) I love to watch you when daddy and Lucy are playing and being wild (and usually loud) and you just watch ever so quietly and contently and take it all in. 

You're growing up too fast little one. 

Happy 7 months my sweet little buddy!


  1. I can't believe how much he's changed since we saw you last. Well, that's not true. Actually I can believe it. They grow so fast. With Mac on the threshold of beginning his 20's! It just doesn't seem possible. Enjoy them. Hold them close. Know that you are doing the most important job you will ever have in your life. Love you!!

  2. Thanks :) Cannot believe Mac is in his 20's already!!
