Happy happy Friday!!
We have had some serious sleepless nights around here over the past couple of weeks due to what I'm guessing is 2 year sleep regression so I haven't had my ducks in a row to get a post completed lately. So instead, with my second cup o' joe for the day in hand, I have some rambling thoughts from the week, so here we go...
1. We had our first snow of the season this week. We only got a few inches and it melted before we could get out and play in it, but there will be plenty of other opportunities for that over the next few months! This weekend we're supposed to have lots of sunshine and cool, crisp temperatures perfect for fall!
2. Not all of us have been affected by this sleep regression ;)
3. I was having some TERRIBLE neck pain that lasted about a week and was getting a lot worse (think crying 30 year old and throbbing headaches all day). I got a massage which sadly helped very little, then decided to go see the chiropractor. I hadn't gone to the chiropractor since we moved to Colorado...and I only wished I had gone sooner! I feel like a new woman! I'm still going fairly regularly since the doc thinks the pain is all from breastfeeding (y'all know the awesome posture associated with that) Ay-yi-yi. Anyways...thank goodness for the chiropractor!
4. Daisy turned 10 last week and I may have shed a tear thinking about how fast she has grown up.

5. Last weekend we had to go buy Lucy some winter outerwear since we knew there was snow in the forecast. We went to Target because I couldn't find anything in her size at the local consignment shop and we had really good luck with her winter coat from Target last year. Ben and I were looking through the coats, ski bibs, and boots because we are hoping to actually get her out on the slopes closer to the end of the season. I was 2 when I first skied (in between my dad's legs going down the bunny slope). Fun fun memories! What I didn't realize was how much all that stuff adds up! The boots were about $30!! I usually don't even spend that much on shoes for myself! So, in order to get the most bang for our buck, we decided to buy up a size or two for her stuff! I wish I would have taken pictures while we were having her try on the stuff in the middle of the kid section at Target! The boots were about a size and a half too big, but she walked great in them and I figure we can put some nice thick socks on ;) And her coat is 2 sizes too big. Think long parka on a 2 year old, but hey, those babies will last at least 2 years! Or, so they better, ha!
6. Lucy has been anti-stroller lately which I am slowly coming to terms with. Then I remembered after a mom from my MOPS group mentioned it, we bought this glider that connects to the stroller so your kid can just cruise right in front of you! We put it on and it has been a huge hit for Lucy! She is now asking to ride on it :) Win!
7. I am still doing barre classes a few times per week and I am definitely seeing results, but this week I had to come to terms with the fact that I'm now 30 and I'm pretty sure my metabolism just ain't the same because I think I might actually have to try and cut back on beer and dessert becaaauuse it just might help with the whole getting my pre-baby body back (sigh).
8. My mom is coming in town this week and I am so excited!! My mom is awesome because she remembers so well what it was like to raise kids hundreds of miles from family and not get too many breaks soooo she is making me get out and go hang with friends, massages, shopping, etc. I love my babies but I am looking forward to some "me" time to refuel :) Thanks mom!
9. Someone is teething!! I'll take the snuggles though.
Hope y'all have a wonderful weekend!