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Monday, November 16, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up + Bunkering Down

Happy Monday everyone!

I am watching the snow fall curled up under lots of layers over here as I write this. We are expected to get 8-12 inches of snow overnight. The weather app on my phone said Blizzard Warning for our area. I'm not sure how I feel about that buuuut I'm hoping for enough snow that Lucy can get out and play in it and build a snowman!

Our weekend was quite interesting. I know I mentioned that Lucy has been going through a possible sleep regression lately and we have been trying to figure all that out. Well, Ben and I woke up Saturday morning around 2am to Lucy awake and she basically threw a temper tantrum in her bed because she couldn't get up. Girlfriend decided she was going to jump up and down in her bed as she screamed, and she got so worked up that she jumped/threw herself out of her bed!! It was crazy! I still don't know how exactly she flew out but the second I looked away from the baby monitor I heard a loud thud! I flew out of the bed so fast that both my feet went out from under me and I caught myself on the edge of the bed and kept running. Lucy's room is right across from ours and I got in there and she was standing up right next to her bed, and looked at me and said, "Lucy fall out bed". I was thanking Jesus that she was not hurt because I know it could have been terrible, and Lucy wasn't as shaken up by it as I expected. My guess is she was just as curious how she ended up out of the bed as I was. Anyways, after that happened I was scared to put her back in the crib because I didn't want a repeat of that ever again. So even though I was not ready at all, we took her side rail down from the crib and decided to go ahead and transition her to the toddler bed that night. This story could go on and on, but to sum things up, Lucy was in and out of her bed from 7:30pm (her normal bedtime) to 1am. At 1am, Ben looked at the exhaustion on my face and asked if I wanted him to put the side rail back up and the look I gave him was a "heck yes!" I was more than ready to accept defeat and get some SLEEP!! I tell ya, I knew transitioning her to a toddler bed wasn't going to be all rainbows and butterflies but wowzers, that was rough. I will take any help on this that I can get and the plan is to watch her like a hawk for now and transition her next month when Ben is home for a long weekend or something so we can tag team and take care of business. We gotta get pumped up for this!!

Now on to some less scary, more adorable stuff ;)

This happy little fella is obsessed with his feet!! Such a cutie!

Caught red handed!

Nom nom!

My mom is in town now and since we are raising our white flag on bed transitions, we are moving right along to the next thing...potty training!

We got this one in the bag y'all! ;)

I'm excited to bunker down tomorrow, make some soups perfect for our "blizzard" weather and get some warm snuggles from those precious babies! 


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